So, here we are at day 1 again. The leg is healing (and pealing) and I’ve started off at 4:45 in the morning once again. I focused on arms today, hoping to bring them up a bit to match the wide shoulders and broad chest. Gotta get rid of that belly, that’s for sure! It would be nice to reach the point where the hernia can be reviewed by a doctor. My plan is to work up to the full magnitude of the 75 hard challenge as going full throttle would be impossible and likely hurt me in the process. In general, the challenge itself seems like a good way to move forward in life as a whole. I see no reason why after a lifetime of sitting around, eating crap, no exercise and drinking that I cannot make a commitment to bettering myself.

I’ll never reach a truly healthy appearance, its just not in me, but I can give it a try. I want to feel better in general but I also want to see my girls graduate from school, get married and maybe be around for a grandchild or two? I certainly have no want to leave my wife behind after taking up her younger years. When I was a sophomore in High School I lost 100lbs in about 3 months. Thats from Smoking, eating nothing but top ramen and other random things young boys do. No drugs or excessive exercise or anything. Just puberty, smoking and being poor I guess.

Eating has been pretty simple today. 3 egg whites + 1 full egg. A dash of colby jack cheese and 1/4 hamsteak cubed. 4 ish cups of coffee and about 40oz of water so far. I also ate a banana and an apple. Lunch consisted of a few ozs of cooked chicken breast in a sweet sauce (loads of sugar, I know) with lettuce brown rice, onions and green onions. Was pretty taste. On track to hit my 10k steps daily goal (currently just under 7k). I’m pooped but still going. this is just day 1-ish. UGH!

Final Numbers for the day, per my iPhone

  • Move – 1293/1050 Cal
  • Exercise – 107/60 Min
  • Stand – 107/60
  • Steps 12401
  • Distance 5.10m

74 more days to go….