Day 1, up at 4:45am, 30 minute workout at home on a bench with dumbbells. On to work, waling a lap around the building (about .25 of a mile each time) 4 different times before the chills kicked in. I had not eaten much and assumed that maybe I over taxed my body for how poor my health was. I went home for lunch, ate plenty of good food and put on a T-shirt and sweatshirt to keep warm. I was feeling better for about an hour or two before it took over once again and I finally gave in and went home early. My lower right leg was also bothering me and so I took off my sock and laid on the couch. I was feeling so awful that I messaged Veronica to come home if Sophia messages her that I’m asleep. I told Sophia that if I fell asleep to message her mom. Its interesting how you feel like you’re dying when your body is fighting off something dangerous. So, on the day I started, my cellulitis had become sepsis and by 7pm, I was in the emergency room with a 100+ temperature, with IV’s and antibiotics. At about midnight, I was released with a 7 day regime of 2 different antibiotics, ibuprofen and Tylenol. I was in bed for the next 2 days with a regularly breaking fever. On Thursday, I pulled my stuff together and went to work, as I did not have any sick time. Fortunately, it was an “Off Friday” so after almost a full day at work on Thursday, it was back to bed for the weekend. Its now been a full 2 weeks since “day 1” and my leg is feeling better yet I’m still concerned. My “75 Hard” challenge will not reach into December. Looks like I’ll need to start in the next few days in order to “enjoy” our trip to Las Vegas. I’m OK not drinking on Turkey day, I’ll have to drive or we stay the night in ukiah. I was hoping to take Sophia zip lining in Vegas but thats quite the weight loss. The good news is that eating better and not drinking alcohol since 9/1 has actually had its own benefits. That and not eating much for a week while sick. As of today, i’m at 345.6… thats 18.4lbs. If I start and stick to the 75Hard challenge, I may actually be able to take Sophia on that zip line. I have 3 days to start before its too late. I’ll be doing the walks starting today and by Thursday, I have to get serious in order to make it in time.

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